Online & Remote Learning Options for Teachers
Due to the unprecedented situation nationwide, we know you are most likely in the process of exploring & implementing online and remote learning options for your students in the coming weeks. To help with this planning, we’ve compiled resources that may help you to navigate these uncharted waters. Feel free to walk through the steps…
Free Resources to Support Evaluating Your Curriculum
Administrators, it’s the start of Spring and a great time to look ahead! Have you taken some time to reflect on your school’s current curriculum? Are you considering a change? This month’s resources aim to help you reflect, explore, and plan for any possible curriculum changes next year! Does the curriculum need to change? What…
Professional Learning Ideas to Improve Cultural Responsiveness at Your School All Year!
As you know, February is Black History Month. We know that school leaders are always looking for new ways to lead their school communities to positive change and growth.This month we hope to connect administrators to inspiring resources that encourage cultural responsiveness and inclusion not just in February, but all year! Check out the articles,…
Resources for Planning & Reviewing Your School’s Budget
We know that January marks the time for many school administrators to examine their budgets for next school year. This month’s resources aim to help any new administrators that might struggle with this process and inspire those veteran administrators to find new creative ways to do more with limited resources! For Assistance with Budget Reviewing…
Your First Faculty Meeting of 2020: Planned with FREE Resources Here!
As the holiday break draws near, we know your focus is turning to the new semester ahead. This month’s post contains resources to help you plan a powerful faculty meeting to kick off the New Year! Explore the meeting agenda template, the semester in review activity, and the options for team building exercises linked below.…
3 Simple Actions to Improve STEM at Your School
Improve Technology at Your School without Breaking the Bank Microsoft has partnered with many of our schools to offer affordable options for purchasing or leasing devices & software. – Questions? Want to talk with someone about technology at your school? Contact Wildaliz Ramos, our Education Expert from Microsoft at wiramo@microsoft.com. – Microsoft is offering a…
#ThankAPrincipal: Resources for You!
October is National Principals Month! This month, we wanted to provide you with resources to help you learn and grow as an administrator. Explore the webinars, inspirational articles, and resources linked below. Thank you for all that you do to support your schools! #ThankAPrincipal Struggling to make changes at your school? Do you feel…
Be Visible: 3 Tips to Implement Effective Walkthroughs at Your School
Classroom observations often have a negative connotation as teachers dread the designated day when the principal comes in to evaluate their effectiveness. The students are often nervous and rigid, the teacher is wearing his or her best outfit and has planned an extra special lesson. The atmosphere in the classroom is somewhat tense and is…
Start the Year Off Right by Building a Positive Staff Culture
One of the most important priorities for the new school year is fostering a positive school and staff culture. This month’s resources will support your efforts to plan effective faculty meetings, build positive school culture, and schedule meaningful professional learning. Building a Positive Culture Check out this TED talk on “How to create a fantastic…
Reflect on the Year & Renew Your Passion
Feeling drained at the end of this school year? This month’s resources were chosen to help you reflect on the successes and challenges of the year and inspire you to renew your work with passion! Read about how one principal revived a low-performing school with a high poverty rate in the article, “Portrait of…