Tag: Classroom Instruction

  • Classroom Organization Hacks to Keep You Sane

    We know it’s only July and schools don’t open for another month or so, but back to school season is already gearing up. Most major retailers are already pushing school supplies and uniforms.  And while most teachers are dreaming up new themes and décor, we want you to prepare to put organizational systems in place…

  • Thank You Teachers! Teacher Appreciation Week Giveaway!

    In honor of all your hard work, patience, and flexibility this year and every year, we are dedicating this post to celebrating YOU! Thank you for your patience, empathy, positivity, enthusiasm, knowledge, flexibility, leadership, kindness, perseverance, humility, and resilience. Check out all of the freebies and giveaways below! Thank you teachers! We are so proud…

  • Autism Awareness Month Resources for All Classrooms

    In honor of National Autism Awareness Day on April 2nd, this month’s post highlights resources to support the success and acceptance of unique learners in your classroom. We hope you will use these resources throughout the year! Person First Language A disability does not define an individual! Identify the individual first rather than the disability.…

  • Project Based Learning Made Simple

    10 free Project Based Learning resources from Tech & Learning. Here are two of our favorite options: Houghton Mifflin Project Based Learning Space Houghton Mifflin offers resources for teachers with in-depth discussion of project-based learning. This site includes an overview of the issues surrounding PBL, the student’s role in the process, and several projects to…

  • Literacy in the Time of COVID-19

    Today, September 8th, is International Literacy Day.  This day was founded in 1966 to keep the importance of literacy in the forefront of local communities. Tremendous progress has been made in the years since, however, illiteracy remains a world issue. This month’s resources aim to help teachers continue to close the literacy gap even in…

  • Planning for the New School Year

    Planning for this new school year will be unlike any other. Teachers will no doubt be juggling discussions and expectations around social distancing, remote learning, and the social emotional needs of their students. This month’s resources aim to help teachers plan for an uncertain year while still creating welcoming and exciting learning environments for their…

  • Tutorials & Set Up Help for Online Learning

    Many teachers have been asking for ideas, tutorials, and support in setting up their digital classrooms. We’ve answered some of the frequently asked questions below. How can I send materials, lessons, & communications to students? The following FREE online platforms are some of our favorite user-friendly options for setting up online learning. Click the link…

  • Online & Remote Learning Options for Teachers

    Due to the unprecedented situation nationwide, we know you are most likely in the process of exploring & implementing online and remote learning options for your students in the coming weeks. To help with this planning, we’ve compiled resources that may help you to navigate these uncharted waters. Feel free to walk through the steps…

  • Resources to Leap into National Reading Month & Women’s History Month

    March is National Reading Month as well as Women’s History Month. This month we wanted to provide resources in celebration of both! We’ve also added a section this month with professional development resources & support for students with special needs. Check out the awesome resources below! National Reading Month & Women’s History Month Explore National…

  • Engage Students with Critical Conversations during Black History Month & Every Month!

    Today is the first day of Black Lives Matter at School week and the first week of Black History Month. We know that teachers are working toward representation and inclusion every day in their classrooms. Here are some resources to help you foster critical conversations in your classroom and continue to create an inclusive environment…