Classroom Organization Hacks to Keep You Sane

We know it’s only July and schools don’t open for another month or so, but back to school season is already gearing up. Most major retailers are already pushing school supplies and uniforms.  And while most teachers are dreaming up new themes and décor, we want you to prepare to put organizational systems in place that will last you all year long.  Well thought out classroom organization can go a long way to reducing chaos and stress while keeping everyone working effectively and efficiently.
Here are some of our favorite classroom hacks to stay organized all year:
Student Display Space
  • For this hack from, use laminated colored paper and a clothespin to create a special space to display student work all year. Students will love having an honored place to show off their hard work.
Color Code Classroom Technology
  • Color code your technology with this hack from Prodigy. Use colored tabs to help students find the right spot for the device and the matching cable!


Say Goodbye to Glue Sticks
  • Make glue sponges. All you need is glue, a sponge, and a small Tupperware container. This hack found on will save you so many glue sticks!
Dry Erase Dots
  • Use dry erase dots on your group table. Save yourself the trouble of getting out the dry erase boards and storing them all year. Create a dry erase board right on the table with this hack from
AWOL Binder
  • Create an “AWOL” binder (Absent Work Organizational Log) with this hack from WeAreTeachers. Use this binder to keep track of what was done in class each day as well as any assignments that are due. Be sure to insert any handouts or other assignments.


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