Student-Led Conferences offer an opportunity for students to take ownership of their learning and lead the conversation about their progress. Though these conferences require a little more preparation, the student-led approach solves some of the biggest headaches and pitfalls associated with parent conferences.
- Will they even show up?– Attendance improves when parents are encouraged to attend with their children.
- Parents are more likely to attend knowing their students are the stars of the show. Not only will parents get to see their child shine in a leadership role, but they will also receive valuable information about success and opportunities directly from their child.
- Watch this video to see Student Led Conferences in action!
- Lack of follow through – Knowing they must discuss their successes and challenges with parents encourages students to take ownership of their learning all year!
- Student-Led Conferences ensure that students are reflecting on their performance, recording progress, and setting personal and academic goals. Parents are encouraged to partner with teachers to provide support for the student’s goals.
- Click here to see our FREE printable resources to help you get started with Student-Led Conferences.
- Defensive Parents – When students lead the conversation, parents are more likely to show support and encouragement rather than anger and defensiveness.
- When students are responsible for explaining their growth and progress, teachers no longer need to justify the areas that students are struggling. Parents hear directly from the student and are able to brainstorm solutions with the teacher and student to become a part of their student’s growth.
- Still nervous about discussing a difficult situation? Read this article from Edutopia on providing difficult feedback.
Want to learn more? If you are interested in trying Student-Led Conferences at your school, consider attending one of our online webinars or contact your regional coordinator to schedule an in-person session at your school!
- Click here to view webinar dates & times.
- Click here to explore a guide to Student-Led Conferences from Edutopia.
Check out these exciting free resources for the month of October!
Reading Eggs through Edmentum: Looking for support for your struggling readers aged 2-13? Reading Eggs is an award-winning program that uses games to engage students in learning to read. Reading Eggs is offering a FREE 4-week trial through October 31st.
Book It!: BOOK IT! motivates children to read by rewarding their reading accomplishments with praise, recognition and pizza from Pizza Hut. The program is simple, flexible, fun and free to use in your classroom! BOOK IT! was created in 1984 and currently reaches more than 14 million students and 37,000 K-6 grade schools annually.
Lead4change: Lead4Change is a FREE leadership program where students identify and use their leadership skills by doing a service project. The ready to use lesson plans will take you through the steps of leadership and service. All resources are available to registered members for free.