“Why don’t they get it?” How to Plan and Present Lessons that Your Students Understand

Have you ever looked around your classroom and wondered why your students were looking at you blankly as you taught a lesson? Why don’t they just “get it”?

This year, the Office of Student Learning is offering a professional learning series centered around effective classroom instruction. One of the most difficult pieces of the effective instruction puzzle is presenting new knowledge to students in a way that they can understand. Our third course in this learning series will teach you to plan and present effective lessons using strategies for direct instruction, processing, and recording and representing new knowledge. Check out the full course description below.

Planning, Presenting, and Understanding New Knowledge

The focus of this training will be to help participants:

  • examine the benefits of using Robert Marzano’s direct instruction strategies of chunking lesson content.
  • incorporate the use of processing strategies and strategies to record and represent lesson content.
  • analyze the elements of effective lessons that allow students to “get it” and integrate new knowledge into their working memory.

If you are interested in this training, please contact your regional coordinator to discuss available sessions in your area or to schedule a session at your school. Click here to find your regional coordinator’s contact information!

Upcoming Webinars from SUFS:
Upcoming Webinars from edWeb:

To view all previous Professional Learning postings, click here.