Online & Remote Learning Options for Teachers

Due to the unprecedented situation nationwide, we know you are most likely in the process of exploring & implementing online and remote learning options for your students in the coming weeks. To help with this planning, we’ve compiled resources that may help you to navigate these uncharted waters. Feel free to walk through the steps below as you and your school decide what plan will work best for your students & families.
*Please note: We will continue to update the links below as we find new information and resources. (Updated on 9/10/20)
Step 1: What should I know about online learning before I jump in?
Step 2: What platform do I want to use to communicate with my students?

    *Use the survey to let us know what you are looking for so that we can reach out with support!*

Step 3: Once I’ve chosen my communication platform, how do I find resources for my grade level & subject area?
Step 4: What resources can I share with parents to help support them with technology & many other issues during this difficult time?

To view all previous Teacher Resources for Success postings, click here.